
Lightweight and easy to use the library for modals

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Install package

  • NPMnpm i keukenhof
  • CDN


Example of using Keukenhof.js for an animated modal window

import {Keukenhof} from 'keukenhof';
    hasAnimation: true,


  • Package Manager

    # With npm
    npm i keukenhof
    # With Yarn
    yarn add keukenhof
  • CDN

    <script src=""></script>


Part of the preparation of the library work is hidden, you just need to create a layout. There are no restrictions on the layout of your modal window, you just need to add data-keukenhof-open to the value of which you need to specify the selector of the window that should open on click and data-keukenhof-close for the element that should close the currently active modal

aria-* attributes are important for the accessibility of your content and are added by you when creating the layout (only you can correctly describe the purpose of your modal), Keukenhof.js is responsible for switching aria-hidden

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Keukenhof.js modal example</title>

    #modal {
        display: none;

    #modal.isOpen {
        display: block;

<button data-keukenhof-open="#modal">Open modal</button>

<!-- Main modal wrapper with required id -->
    <!-- Element for handling a click outside the modal window -->
        <!-- Button to close the modal window -->
            aria-label="Close modal" 

    <!-- Body used to improve a11y by describing the purpose of the modal -->
        <h2 id="title">Keukenhof.js modal</h2>
        <p id="desc">Lightweight and easy to use the library for modals</p>

<script src=""></script>


Module bundlers

An alternative connection option is to use import Keukenhof

import {Keukenhof} from 'keukenhof';

// Initializing modal windows based on markup
    // options

// Configure and open modal by selector'#modal', {
    // options

// Close active modal window


  • openAttributestring

    The attribute containing the selector of the modal window that should be opened by clicking on the element

    By default: data-keukenhof-open

        openAttribute: 'data-modal-open',
  • closeAttributestring

    The attribute marking elements inside the modal window, clicking on which will close this modal window

    By default: data-keukenhof-close

        closeAttribute: 'data-modal-close',
  • openClassstring

    The class name added for the open modal window

    By default: isOpen

        openClass: 'is-open',
  • openingClassstring

    The class name added for the modal window that is in the process of opening (required for modals using CSS animations)

    By default: isOpening

        openingClass: 'is-opening',
  • closingClassstring

    The class name added for the modal window that is in the process of closing (required for modals using CSS animations)

    By default: isClosing

        closingClass: 'is-closing',
  • hasAnimationboolean

    Indicates the need to wait for the completion of the CSS animation of opening/closing the modal window

    By default: false

        hasAnimation: true,
  • isAssignFocusboolean

    Indicates the need to focus on an interactive element inside the modal after opening

    By default: true

        isAssignFocus: false,
  • isFocusInsideboolean

    Indicates the need to restrict focusable interactive elements using the keyboard inside the active modal

    By default: true

        isFocusInside: false,
  • scrollBehaviorobject

    Specify the need to block the scroll after opening a modal window. The scroll is blocked with overflow: hidden; if after closing the modal the overflow value should be defined just specify this as defaultValue

    By default: { isDisabled: true, container: 'body', defaultValue: '' }

        scrollBehavior: {
            isDisabled: true,
            container: '.wrapper',
            defaultValue: '',
  • onOpenfunction

    Defines a function that will be called when the modal is open (if hasAnimation: true is called after the animation has finished)

    By default: () => {}

        onOpen: (event) => console.log('The modal window was opened', event),
  • onClosefunction

    Defines a function that will be called when the modal is close (if hasAnimation: true is called after the animation has finished)

    By default: () => {}

        onClose: (event) => console.log('The modal window was closed', event),
  • beforeOpenfunction

    Defines a function to be called before the modal opens. If the function returns false the modal won't open

    By default: () => true

        beforeOpen: (event) => {
            if (counter > 10) return true;
  • beforeClosefunction

    Defines a function to be called before the modal closes. If the function returns false the modal won't close

    By default: () => true

        beforeClose: (event) => {
            if (counter > 10) return true;


  • init()

    Initializes all modals based on markup. Accepts one optional parameter for configuration

        selector: "#modal-1",
        openAttribute: "data-modal-open",
        closeAttribute: "data-modal-close",
        openClass: "is-open",
        openingClass: "is-opening",
        closingClass: "is-closing",
        hasAnimation: true,
        isAssignFocus: false,
        isFocusInside: false,
        scrollBehavior: {
            isDisabled: true,
        onOpen: () => console.log("The modal window is open"),
        onClose: () => console.log("The modal window is close"),
  • open()

    Opens a modal window with the given selector. The open method has a second optional parameter for configuration

    // With config"#modal", {
        openAttribute: "data-modal-open",
        closeAttribute: "data-modal-close",
        openClass: "is-open",
        openingClass: "is-opening",
        closingClass: "is-closing",
        hasAnimation: true,
    // Without config"#modal");
  • close()

    Closes the modal with the given selector. If no parameters are passed to the close method, the currently open window will be closed

    // With selector
    // Without selector
  • Types

    type ConfigType = {
        selector?: string;
        triggers?: HTMLElement[];
        openAttribute?: string;
        closeAttribute?: string;
        openClass?: string;
        openingClass?: string;
        closingClass?: string;
        hasAnimation?: boolean;
        isAssignFocus?: boolean;
        isFocusInside?: boolean;
        scrollBehavior?: {
            isDisabled?: boolean;
            container?: string;
            defaultValue?: string;
        onOpen?: (event?: Event) => void;
        onClose?: (event?: Event) => void;
        beforeOpen?: (event?: Event) => boolean;
        beforeClose?: (event?: Event) => boolean;
    type KeukenhofType = {
        init: (config?: ConfigType) => void;
        open: (selector: string, config?: ConfigType) => void;
        close: (selector?: string) => void;


  • Lightweight just ~1.6kb minified and gzipped
  • Easy to use you prepare a layout according to your needs
  • No dependencies install only what you really need
  • CSS animation support to implement transitions
  • Full control over each process thanks to callback functions onOpen, onClose, beforeOpen, beforeClose